Site Issue Announcements


Staff member
This forum topic will contain announcements about issues that are occurring for the and/or related services.
The site will be down for a couple hours on Tuesday 27 December 2022 (GMT+9) for software upgrade.
Apparently there has been some issues with the download server recently. We've migrated to a new server so hopefully it will be more stable.
We've received an email from one of our hosting companies that the server is going down for maintenance due to hardware issues. The website will still function however the download server may experience slower speeds during this maintenance period.
We've received an email from one of our hosting companies that the server is going down for maintenance due to hardware issues. The website will still function however the download server may experience slower speeds during this maintenance period.
The server seems to be back up and running now.
There will be a scheduled server migration tomorrow, July 2nd (UTC). During this time, the site may experience downtime as we migrate the website and data to new servers.
Right now the site is running on the backup server, and the search function is temporarily disabled while we're getting everything set up.
There will be a scheduled server migration tomorrow, July 2nd (UTC). During this time, the site may experience downtime as we migrate the website and data to new servers.
Right now the site is running on the backup server, and the search function is temporarily disabled while we're getting everything set up.
This has been completed.