Nintendont is a Wii homebrew project that allows you to play your GameCube (GC) games on a Wii or vWii on Wii U.
What's New:
* Logic fixes on controller order
* Some logic fixes to wiiugamepad slot and hid controllers
* If wiiu gamepad slot is now set to player one it will have priority over wiiugc adapter player 1 slot which will be disabled, slots 2 two 4 will still work on wiiugc adapter and the likes.
What's New:
* Logic fixes on controller order
* Some logic fixes to wiiugamepad slot and hid controllers
* If wiiu gamepad slot is now set to player one it will have priority over wiiugc adapter player 1 slot which will be disabled, slots 2 two 4 will still work on wiiugc adapter and the likes.
