New Release: HiyaCFW v1.5.0 By Robz8 (RocketRobz)

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Staff member
HiyaCFW stands out as an open-source custom firmware tailored for the Nintendo DSi, enabling users to enjoy custom DSiWare titles and unlock region-free access to exclusive 3DS DSiWare like WarioWare Touched stored on their SD cards through NAND to SD redirection. Additionally, HiyaCFW extends support to circumvent restrictions on certain flashcards such as the R4 Ultra, granting users broader flexibility in their gaming experience.

This innovative firmware solution empowers DSi owners to explore a wider range of software options and enjoy enhanced usability on their devices, paving the way for a more customizable and engaging gaming environment.

What's New:
*Changing the region on a JPN NAND will cause touch input to not function.
When using ntrboot, modcrypted *DSiWare apps are not launchable. Non-modcrypted applications are still launchable, such as homebrew (ex. TWiLight Menu++). This may be fixed in the future, either by hiyaCFW or an ntrboot .gcd file.
*And many fixes.


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