This is a wrapper/port of Professor Layton: Curious Village HD for the PS Vita. The port works by loading the official Android ARMv7 executable in memory, resolving its imports with native functions and patching it in order to properly run. By doing so, it's basically as if we emulate a minimalist Android environment in which we run natively the executable as is.
What's New:
*Reworked Livearea assets (Thanks to YogaBudiW).
*Added possibility to play the game in flipped portrait mode (Create a file named ux0:data/layton_curious/flip.txt) to enable it.
*Mitigated the issue for which videos started with way faster speed and no audio and freezed sometimes.
What's New:
*Reworked Livearea assets (Thanks to YogaBudiW).
*Added possibility to play the game in flipped portrait mode (Create a file named ux0:data/layton_curious/flip.txt) to enable it.
*Mitigated the issue for which videos started with way faster speed and no audio and freezed sometimes.
