Recent content by SkyLyrac

  1. S

    About ports of DS programs to BlocksDS

    Ok, thanks for the confirmation!
  2. S

    About ports of DS programs to BlocksDS

    Hey! I've been porting several old DS homebrew programs and games to BlocksDS and made sure that they can all build with modern tools. You can see a list of my ports (and the ports of other developers) here: Basically, I've taken libraries like...
  3. S

    Old release: WolveSlayer (Source Code)

    Oh, I'm not sure if I can. Is it with the same user/pass than the forums? I also don't see a registration form for the wiki.
  4. S

    Old release: WolveSlayer (Source Code)

    As long as the file has reached its destination, I'm happy. :) By the way, I've also taken the time to port it to BlocksDS so that it can be built with modern tools, maybe you can add a link to this as well? The source code is here: And the pre-built...
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    Old release: WolveSlayer (Source Code)

    Hi! A few days ago I noticed that the link to the source code of WolveSlayer was dead, and the web archive hadn't archived it: I happened to find it in my PC, so I'm uploading it to this post so that it can be preserved. P.S. I've re-compressed the...
  6. S

    Old Release: eLIBS_release_2

    Great, thanks! :D Edit: I've removed the file from my GitHub account now that it's uploaded to your server.
  7. S

    Old Release: eLIBS_release_2

    Hi! I was a bit torn about whether to submit this or not, but I think it's good to archive it because I think it's cool. Back in the 2000s, a user from the forums called Hermes created a few libraries for NDS to play audio and do multithreading, and a wifi loader. Unfortunately...
  8. S

    Old release: DS bloom and motion blur demos

    This is an old demo from the gbadev forums, and it looks like it has been lost from the internet, but I did have it in my PC, so I'd like to share it here (attached to this post). There is also a variation...